
About Me

My name is Elizabeth and I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease when I was 19. I live in London, Ontario. Back then the options for a gluten free lifestyle were limited and it was very difficult to follow.

It hasn't been until the last 5 years that I have seriously pursued the gluten free lifestyle and when I did I realized that so many things had changed. There are a lot more gluten free products on the market and more recipes to try. Unfortunately it is still a trial and error lifestyle with the emphasis on the error. Some gluten free products you buy do not taste good and recipes you try do not turn out like you think they should. From time to time I will try new gluten free product from various stores. I have had bad experinces in the past so I am usually sceptical about whether they will taste good. Having someone who has tried a product who can tell you whether it is worth trying can be a huge money savings.

I love experimenting in my kitchen (hearth) and trying new recipes. Friends always ask me for the recipe and this is my way of sharing my experiences cooking, baking and everything gluten free with new or more experienced gluten free individuals.  It would have been much easier in the beginning if I had someone to show me the gluten free way.